Online Coding and Math classes for kids and teens
Best online coding classes for kids and teens. Join us today to learn coding with our premier instructors and comprehensive curriculum.
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How to add time delays to Javascript
Sometimes you might need to add delays to your Javascript program. This could be for user experience improvements, for instance when you want to display a notification for or after a certain duration, or when you want to create an animation or transition with timed steps. Let us learn how to do so!
READ MOREScience websites and Youtube channels for kids
In today's digital age, children have a wide range of interests. Whether they're curious about space, dinosaurs, or the inner workings of the human body, these websites and YouTube channels offer engaging content that sparks curiosity and fosters a love for learning.
Control structures in Python
A quick primer on control structures in Python. A control structure is something that affects the flow of control in a Python program. Typically Python programs are executed from the first line to the last line. Consider the following program: